We Good Technology | Branding


We Good Technology | Branding

We Good Technology is dedicated to a people-centric and secure lifestyle, focusing on technological research and equipment services related to fire prevention, drainage, ventilation, and power supply to create high-quality safe communities.

For We Good Technology, Grandvity Design has created a brand-new corporate identity system. The logo combines the initials W and G to form a roof image, representing the spatial concept of a whole community, conveying We Good Technology's commitment to residential safety. In terms of color, we continued with the company's original blue tones, symbolizing professionalism, trust, and advanced technology.


Client | 微固科技 We Good Technology
Production | 物以類聚視覺整合 Grandvity Design

Art Director | Noodlemaker
Account Manager | Grape Chiu
Project Manager | Grape Chiu / Sarah Peng
Design Director | Si Jia Sun​
Logotype Designer | Tai Jiang Lin​
Visual System Designer | Jasmine Lin
Motion Designer | Show Yen
Portfolio Designer | Hugo Tseng
Font|文鼎字型 Arphic Font

We Good Technology | Branding